Is Ready, Set, Work! for you?

If you are a new worker, this book is for you!


Save yourself time, anxiety, and frustration trying to navigate  today’s work environment by learning how to handle even the most awkward  circumstances with confidence and understanding.   Learn about those  critical skills all employers want and how to ensure career success by  learning how to how to merge the needs of your organization with your  professional goals.  

If you are a “reconditioned” worker, this book is for you


 Learn about today’s work environment, the changes you will face  since you last worked, the challenges of cross-generational work teams,  and the latest in business attire and etiquette.   Feel comfortable and  confident that you can bring your knowledge and experience to today’s  work environment while successfully merging your maturity with more  contemporary skills and approach. 

If you are an HR professional, this book is for you!


Human resource professionals spend day after day dealing with  discipline issues, policy violations, adverse actions, and lawsuits.   You know that prevention is the key to reducing those incidents, but  there is simply not enough time to explain everything to everybody all  the time.  Ready, Set, Work! does it for you by explaining in clear,  simple terms how successful employees conduct themselves in the most  common work scenarios.  

If you are an organizational leader, this book is for you!


Save yourself thousands of precious dollars in training funds  currently directed towards ensuring that all employees understand and  comply with your organization’s policies and practices.  Help your  employees strengthen their commitment to the organization by teaching  them how to merge organizational and personal goals to maximize  effectiveness.    Ready, Set, Work! gives your employees all the basic  information they need in order to achieve professional satisfaction  while maintaining focus on the organization’s mission and vision.  

If you are an employment counselor, this book is for you!


There is simply no way you have time to tell your clients everything  they need to know about how to achieve success in today’s work  environment.  Ready, Set, Work! ensures that your clients receive all  that critical information that even the best new employee orientations  don’t cover.    There is no better way to help them jump start their  career and immediately be more confident in their new environment.